Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thus begins...something or other.

Following my failed attempt to start a blog on, and my inability to commit to owning a physical personal journal and actually writing in it, I start this project. Starting today, I attempt to 'get my ducks in a row' as they say, or more commonly, to 'get my shit together'.

In this blog I will be recording my attempts at becoming a professional artist. Considering that i'm 5 years past college and no closer to my goal than I was when I accepted my degree, this is overdue. I will be posting my projects, large and small, as they progress towards completion.

If anyone sees this, great. At least if this entire scheme fails, someone has seen my art in some form or another. If noone sees it, and I am sending messages into the void, just as well. Better that then sitting on my hands and doing nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Dameon! What you want is out there....go find it!

    Hope to see you at the wedding? (Nici and Mike)...

    I started the blog thang myself back in June.
