Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Companion Cube Update

So I needed to get my dense sewing pattern from my PC to the fabric. This was soon to become an issue I had not anticipated. The pattern is 36 inches wide and 58 inches long, while my printer obviously can print up to 8 inches by 10.5 inches.

Having spent hours searching the internet for some application that would let me print the pattern at once in multiple pages (I know they exist, but couldn't find a one), I decided to do it the hard way. I sliced up the pattern into 30  8" x 10.5" pieces, and printed them out individually. Not fun.

After cutting off the edges of the paper not printed on and taping the pieces back together, I have my sewing pattern recombinated, frankenstein-like.

Here's the pictures. The first is mid-taping of the pieces. The second is Jenn staring daggers for me pulling her away from her stuff to help me assemble this monstrosity.

One down, three more to print.

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