We decided this year that instead of going out and trying to find something to do this year (last year was a train wreck), we're going to stay home and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. Of course, I can't do anything the easy way, so instead of just opening the door, handing the throng of children assorted candies, and shooing them away, I felt that they needed a more complete

In that spirit, the three of us (Jenn, Rich and I) gathered decorations and made the foyer as sppoky as we could on our limited Halloween budget. This ended up including some black plastic sheeting, vinyl cutout window dressings, some borrowed orange string lights, and a HUGE amount of fake spider-webbing stretched across the entire ceiling and down the corners of the room.

Of course, Klaus Nomi was there to hand out candy to all the kids. Unfortunately, a Klaus Nomi costume is a bit obscure for children, as most thought I was a weird mime, or a clown from the 40's (I was entirely black-and-white). On kid was convinced he knew who I was supposed to be, but as he stood there and puzzled it out out loud, it became clear that he had no idea at all. It was cute watching him try, though. If he had figured it out, I would have given him all the candy.
For the adults who were hanging out while we handed out candy, Jenn and I made a series of treats;
- Cream cheese, cheddar, and jalepeno pumpkins
- Black bean Hummus, with sour cream spiderweb and olive spider
- Severed hand meatloaf (Not pictured)
- Tentacle jello, with marachino cherry suckers underneath
Everything was delicious, and Cat brought cookies (pictured above). The pumpkins were very popular, but the tentacle, while awesome looking and having taken most of the previous night to figure out, was not that great. Unflavored gelatin, with white cranberry juice instead of water seemed like a good idea, but the juice wasn't flavorful enough and the gelatin was too thick. oh, well. It looked great.