Monday, March 22, 2010

Update : Coffee Table

So I finished the research on how to apply the veneer to the table and bought the necessary components. It should arrive soon.

While waiting for that, I am redesigning the bartop. The epoxy resin is far too heavy and expensive. To be able to manage it, I nee the design on top to be as thin as possible.

Additionally, there is no longer any need to make the table legs collapsible, as the couch that it would have slid under is now blocked by the Game Sack I finished (pictures of velcro flap coming soon)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Camera trouble

While I was MIA, I was still taking pictures of projects. However it seems like those photos are gone. Either my iMac or Jenn's camera decided we didn't need them and erased the camera's internal memory. I'll post what I have, and try to take new ones of the progress I have made on my current projects.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Missing in inaction...

Hoo boy, its been a long time since I posted anything here. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I promise to endeavor to post more often.  I've had a bit of a creative slump and with several projects all hitting stopping points, It threw a huge monkey wrench into my motivation.

But I'm slowly building a head of steam to power through and jump start this year with more art, design and cool projects.